Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Mothers Day in Ireland

In Ireland, Mothers Day is not celebrated on same day as in US. Mothers Day celebrations in Ireland takes place on the fourth Sunday in the Christian fasting month of Lent. This corresponds to the day on which Mothers Day or Mothering Sunday is celebrated in UK, a close neighbor of Ireland. While in the US Mothers Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in the month of May. But just as in scores of other countries, people in Ireland honor their mothers on the occasion of Mothers Day for all their love and affection.

History of Mother's Day in Ireland

The history of celebrating Mothering Sunday or Mothers Day in Ireland can be traced to the medieval practice where children from poor families were send to work as domestic servants and apprentices to work with the rich. Once in the year in the middle of the Lent these children were given a day off to visit their 'Mother Church' and worship Virgin Mary. After visiting the Mother Church or Cathedral of their home town these children visited their mothers and presented them with flowers they picked along the way. Girls bake special Mothering Cake on the day. Pattern of living changed after the Industrial Revolution and Mothering Sunday celebration almost lapsed. The custom was revived after World War II. Americans too helped to bring back the charm of the festival in Eurpoean countries as their tradition and way of celebrating Mothers Day spread far and wide.

Mother's Day Celebration in Ireland

On Mothers Day, people in Ireland present flowers and cards to their mothers to express love and gratitude. People take their mother out for dinners and lunches and often pamper them with breakfast in bed. Gifts are given to mothers with love from caring children. Programmes, plays and skits are organised at several places in honor of mothers.

Lá na Máithreacha Sona!   Happy Mother's Day!

A very special Happy Mother's Day to my Mom.  I love you very much!


  1. Hello, got a piece of your bunting from the spring bunting swap Amy hosted. Thank you. It is lovely!

  2. Can that picture of your Mom be any cuter?? I think not! Adorable! and thanks for the Ireland story..and happy (late) Mother's Day to you!!
